Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thanksgiving Tidbits

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the Pilgrims 
after their first harvest in the New World in 1621. 
The feast lasted three days 
and was attended by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims.

It is such a very special holiday 
when we can stop and be thankful for all that we have
and for how blessed we are.

Enjoy being creative with the decorations
and the healthy snacks.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


This is the time of the year when we are especially reminded to be grateful and to show gratitude.

noun--the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

How many things can you list in 15 seconds 
that you're grateful for? 
Start now.

Being grateful helps us to be satisfied with what we have 
and to be appreciative.

Does that even include the difficulties of life?

Truly, we are blessed!!!

Here is a little craft you might enjoy making for the holidays.
Each time you light a candle in the jar, use it to help you remember to be grateful for something or someone.

During this special season, 
my desire is to cultivate a grateful heart.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Veteran's Day--A Day of Remembering

Freedom in America
Isn't really free;
We often pay a price
To keep our liberty.

Remember those we loved,
Who fought for us, and died;
And those we never knew
For whom others mourned and cried.
--Joanna Fuchs

Let's honor our military, 
The men and women who serve,
Whose dedication to our country
Does not falter, halt or swerve.

Let's respect them for their courage;
They're ready to do what's right
To keep America safe, 
So we can sleep better at night.

Let's support and defend our soldiers,
Whose hardships are brutal and cruel,
Whose discipline we can't imagine,
Who follow each order and rule.

Here's to those who choose to be warriors
And their helpers good and true;
They're fighting for American values;
They're fighting for me and you.
--Joanna Fuchs

On Veteran's Day we honor
Soldiers who protect our nation.
For their service as our warriors,
They deserve our admiration.
--Joanna Fuchs

* A special thank you to Joanna Fuchs for poetry.