Thursday, September 25, 2014

10518 Filters

How could anyone need or use that many filters in a life time? But there is no need to use all of them, is there? Using a few choice favorites can turn your photos into some pretty amazing pieces of art.

So, where does one get access to these filters? FILTER FORGE. It is my latest purchase and I'm thrilled. Not just with all the creative filters, but because I hit an 80% off sale. WOW! What a fantastic deal.

Yesterday I submitted one of my pieces to be used in their Gallery. It was approved and here it is. I used the filter Angel Wash.

Let's look at some samples of filters I used on already created items.

Filter Used: GF Frame 4 in 1 Images or Photos

Filter Used: Sea Level 

Filter Used: Screed
This resource is definitely worth having.


  1. Ooooh, angel wash and screed are my faves. Can't beat 80% off.

    1. That's for sure. Those two are also my favorites. Thanks for commenting.

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